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MOMA Demand Action News

 Impact Lvl 1: Children & Youth ; Mental Health
Public Report by Moms Demand Action
Last modified: April 03, 2019



RPS and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense are planning a dialog between the two groups. This is an opportunity to broaden the conversation to other efforts to address school safety.


April 2019 News

Hello All,
We wanted to let you know of an event we added in April.  The gun violence protection group, Protect Minnesota, is hosting a Town Hall on Saturday, April 13th from noon-2pm at the Rochester Public Library.  One of our Rochester chapter leaders will be a panelist.  Details of the event are still being worked out, and we will update information at the RSVP link as we know more.  
For now, we would love for you to save the date.  Additionally, we are looking for a member to do "tabling" at the town hall, from noon-2pm.  This would consist of handing out Moms Demand Action swag, and signing up new members.  If you can help, please reply to this email.
Additional April Events include:
-Police Chief Meeting on April 8th at 8am at the North Police Station (4001 West River Parkway NW).  Please note location change.
-Monthly Chapter Meeting on April 23rd at 7pm at Mt. Olive Church in Rochester.  

Hope to see you all soon!
Alisha Eiken
Co-Lead Rochester Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America





March 2018 News

RPS and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense are planning a dialog between the two groups. This is an opportunity to broaden the conversation to other efforts to address school safety.



Request to Meet with RPS Administration regarding gun violence


Meeting 2018-03-12


Stop what you are doing!

Special guests tonight at our meeting, Superintendent Munoz and 2 staff members will start off our meeting at 7PM. 

Bring a friend. 

See you tonight! Watch for signs internally to find Room 7 at Mt. Olive Lutheran Church, Rochester!






RPS Response (Mach 7, 2018)

March 7, 2018: Heather Nessler, Executive Director ,Communications, Marketing, Technology, Rochester Public Schools responded positively to the "request to meet" . 

In her email response, she also attached this RPS letter to parents.


 Hello Donna, Mr. Sherden shared this email with me. Mr. Sherden, Superintendent Munoz, and I, along with many others work together regarding school safety.

We are having conversations with various individuals and groups on this topic because we all want what is best for our kids. In fact, Superintendent Munoz and I had several meetings today with student groups and their principals on this very topic.

We welcome the opportunity to meet with your group. I am not sure if March 12 will work for us, however. Can you let us know what time your meeting occurs and where?

Can you also share goals of our meeting? I believe you may have this information already, but we have sent the following information to our parents and community members via email (attached). Thank you for reaching out.

We look forward to hearing back from you.

Sincerely, Heather Nessler Executive Director Communications, Marketing, Technology Rochester Public Schools


Request to Meet (March 5, 2018)

March 5, 2018

Request to meet

From: Donna Miller
Sent: Monday, March 5, 2018 2:04 PM
To: SHERDEN, SCOTT <[email protected]>
Subject: Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense wants to meet you

Hello, Mr. Sherden,

I am the Rochester Lead for Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense. Many of our members have concerns about how the Rochester School district is handling the threat of gun violence.

I am requesting that you come to our March 12th meeting to inform us what you are doing to keep our children safe while on the school property. A recent statement from Superintendent Munoz addresses some of these concerns. Your position, Executive Director of Operations, was described as " to oversee crisis training and prevention."

Please let me know if you can speak to our group and answer a few questions. I think it is important that Superintendent Munoz and you both address our group. It is advantageous for either of you to do this before there is a planned walk-out done at the High school level. I understand walk-outs are scheduled with the first one being March 14th.


I can be reached by phone and or email.


Thanks in advance for your consideration!


All my best,


Donna Miller

Rochester Lead

Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense









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