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Riverfront project gets first nod per Post Bulletin Report

 Impact Lvl 1: Economic Development ; Housing ; Recreation & Open Space
Public Report on Bloom Rochester River Front Project led by Bloom Holding
Last modified: August 08, 2018



"Early plans for a $180 million construction project along the Zumbro River received some enthusiastic support from Rochester's Planning and Zoning Commission Wednesday night." 










"The purchase agreement calls for the developer to provide 173 public parking in lieu of the $8 million price."



2018-03-25 DMCC Status





" Early plans for a $180 million construction project along the Zumbro River received some enthusiastic support from Rochester's Planning and Zoning Commission Wednesday night.

"I like this project," Commissioner Thomas Hill said before the commission voted 5-1 to recommend approval of the project. "I find it exciting, and I think that after reading through all the reports and stuff, I thought it was pretty thoughtful. I find there are many things that are in demand right now, and I feel that this project is addressing some that are important."

Among those demands, Hill noted the project proposed by Bloom International Realty will provide assisted-living senior housing.

The plans presented to the commission Wednesday show two structures being built on riverfront property between Second Street and Fourth Street Southeast.

 The plans presented to the commission Wednesday show two structures being built on riverfront property between Second Street and Fourth Street Southeast.


If approved and built as planned, the southern building will house 215 senior living units, ranging from independent living to memory care in a 22-story tower reaching 272 feet. The proposed tower would extend from a wider six-story podium stretching between Fourth and Third Streets, on what is currently city-owned land occupied by Legends Bar and Grill and a parking lot.

The proposed second building would occupy space north of Third Street, which now houses the Second Street Parking Ramp. That building would five-story base structure with a tower reaching 28 stories, or 360 feet. The tower would house 181 hotel rooms and 132 condos.

The base structures of both buildings would contain upper-level parking with a mix of restaurant and retail space on the ground floor, as well as the skyway level. "







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. Project Report of Bloom Rochester River Front Project : February 08, 2019 : Bloom Reconsiders Second Phases of Riverfront Project
Impact Lvl1: Economic Development, Recreation & Open Space
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"Bloom International Realty may be rethinking plans to build the second phase of its $230 million riverfront development in downtown Rochester.

Project Report of Bloom Rochester River Front Project : May 30, 2016 : Bloom Rochester River Front Project Status May 26 Presentation to DMCC board
Impact Lvl1: Economic Development, Recreation & Open Space, TBD
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This is a "home run" kind of project. Some of my friends who have been looking elsewhere to re-locate to a down-town living environment may now have reasons to wait and see how this will turn out. 

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