Sustainability Organizations
34 result(s) found...
- 100% Renewable Rochester (
) (DMC Impacts:
) (Community Health Impacts:
) (PlanScape Impacts:
100% Renewable Rochester is a grassroots coalition committed to transitioning Rochester, MN to a 100% renewable energy economy. Our objective is to educate and engage the community on the issues, challenges, and opportunities involved in making this transition a reality. We believe establishing an aggressive goal backed by a groundswell of community support is the best way to ensure our success.
- Assisi Heights Spirituality Center (AHSC) (
) (DMC Impacts:
) (Community Health Impacts:
) (PlanScape Impacts:
Caring Relationship
Civic Engagement
Assisi Heights Spirituality Center (AHSC) provides a sacred space for individuals or groups. We are open to all faith traditions. Come, withdraw from the cares, concerns and responsibilities of ordinary life to find quiet, rejuvenation and peace. Located in beautiful Assisi Heights, residence of the Sisters of Saint Francis, this venue was designed to host retreats, seminars and banquets.
- Center for Energy and the Environment (CEE) (
501C-3 Non-Profit
) (DMC Impacts:
) (Community Health Impacts:
) (PlanScape Impacts:
Best Practice
CEE provides practical, innovative, energy solutions for homeowners, businesses, nonprofits, and government…because people use energy every day.
- Citizens Climate Lobby (Rochester Chapter) (
501C-3 Non-Profit
) (DMC Impacts:
) (Community Health Impacts:
) (PlanScape Impacts:
About Our Chapter
Citizens’ Climate Lobby is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, grassroots advocacy organization empowering people to experience breakthroughs exercising their personal and political power. Our chapter is just one of hundreds of chapters across the world working to create the political will for a livable world.
We are laser focused on a specific piece of legislation and a proven strategy to gain its passage. We are working for the passage of Carbon Fee and Dividend, the climate change solution economists and climate scientists alike say is the “best first-step” to preventing the worst impacts of a warming world.
Our market-based Carbon Fee and Dividend policy will drastically reduce emissions, create jobs, and support small businesses and families — all without growing government.
We’ve seen firsthand how passionate citizens who are well-trained, organized by district and with a good system of support can more than influence the political process.
- City of Rochester, MN (
Government Agency
) (DMC Impacts:
) (Community Health Impacts:
) (PlanScape Impacts:
Business Process
Civic Engagement
Diversity and Inclusion
Economic Development
Governance/Public Policy
Public Safety
Recreation & Open Space
The City of Rochester will RISE to the top in Customer Focus
through Respect, Integrity, Safety, and Excellence.
- Community Development (City of Rochester) (
Government Agency
) (DMC Impacts:
) (Community Health Impacts:
) (PlanScape Impacts:
Arts & Culture
Business Process
Clean Air & water
Diversity and Inclusion
Heritage Preservation
Universal Design
Our mission is to enrich our community’s future by fostering creative and innovative strategies to cultivate sustainable economic growth, build and preserve healthy neighborhoods, enhance our natural environment, and nurture arts and cultural opportunities.
- Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center (
501C-3 Non-Profit
) (DMC Impacts:
Sports, Recreation, Nature
) (Community Health Impacts:
) (PlanScape Impacts:
Clean Air & water
Recreation & Open Space
Eagle Bluff is...
...a private, non-profit 501(c)(3) residential environmental learning center located near Lanesboro in the beautiful bluff-country of southeast Minnesota. We believe that together we can provide inspiring experiences which connect people of ages to the environment and each other. We accomplish our mission through a variety of outdoor, hands-on and natural history-based programs. Find out more by
- Environmental Initiative (
501C-3 Non-Profit
) (DMC Impacts:
) (Community Health Impacts:
) (PlanScape Impacts:
Best Practice
Business Process
Environmental Initiative is a nonprofit organization that works with business, nonprofit and government leaders to develop collaborative solutions to Minnesota’s environmental problems.
The organization:
Plans and hosts events for environmental leaders from businesses, nonprofits and government agencies to share information, network and learn from one another.
Facilitates conversations addressing environmental, economic and public health issues between diverse stakeholders.
Takes action and implements on the ground projects to improve our air, land and water for all Minnesotans.
- Friends of Indian Heights (
501C-3 Non-Profit
) (DMC Impacts:
Retail, Dining & Entertainment, Arts & Culture
) (Community Health Impacts:
) (PlanScape Impacts:
Arts & Culture
Diversity and Inclusion
Recreation & Open Space
Friends of Indian Heights (FOIH) provide stewardship, advocacy, and education to actively preserve, restore, and respect the endangered environment and unified neighborhood of Indian Heights Park (IHP) and Thompson Mill Race Park (TMRP) in Rochester, Minnesota so that they can remain viable historic, natural areas for all to enjoy.
- George Family Foundation (
501C-3 Non-Profit
) (DMC Impacts:
) (Community Health Impacts:
) (PlanScape Impacts:
Best Practice
Children & Youth
Our mission is to foster wholeness in mind, body, spirit and community by developing authentic leaders and supporting transformative programs serving the common good.
We seek to invest in people, programs and initiatives that further the mission of the George Family Foundation and help build the communities in which we live.
We believe in sharing the blessings we have received and in celebrating the spiritual reciprocity that exists between donors and receivers, working collaboratively to make the world a better place.
As the Foundation matures and grows, its areas of strategic focus may change, but the mission and values will endure.
- Greater Rochester Area Dakota Supporters (
501C-3 Non-Profit
) (DMC Impacts:
) (Community Health Impacts:
) (PlanScape Impacts:
Caring Relationship
Diversity and Inclusion
Heritage Preservation
A mission of healing through education & reconciliation. We promote mutual understanding & enrichment through mutual respect.
- Growth & Justice (
501C-3 Non-Profit
) (DMC Impacts:
) (Community Health Impacts:
) (PlanScape Impacts:
Best Practice
Diversity and Inclusion
Governance/Public Policy
Growth & Justice is a research and advocacy organization that develops innovative public policy proposals based on independent research and civic engagement. We believe when Minnesota makes smart investments in practical solutions it leads to broader prosperity for all.
- IBM Community Engagement Portal (
) (DMC Impacts:
) (Community Health Impacts:
) (PlanScape Impacts:
Best Practice
Business Process
Diversity and Inclusion
Technology Enablement
IBM encourages its employees and retirees to contribute to social efforts.
501C-3 Non-Profit
) (DMC Impacts:
) (Community Health Impacts:
Financial Stress/Homelessness
) (PlanScape Impacts:
Civic Engagement
Children & Youth
Diversity and Inclusion
Governance/Public Policy
ISAIAH is a vehicle for congregations, clergy, and people of faith to act collectively and powerfully towards racial and economic equity in the state of Minnesota.
- In the City for Good Steering Committee (
) (DMC Impacts:
) (Community Health Impacts:
) (PlanScape Impacts:
Heritage Preservation
Special Needs
Workforce Development
Coordinate In the City for Good project and the various subgroups
- In the City for Good Sustainability Subgroup (
) (DMC Impacts:
) (Community Health Impacts:
) (PlanScape Impacts:
A subgroup of In the City for Good initiative.
- Land Stewardship Project (
501C-3 Non-Profit
) (DMC Impacts:
) (Community Health Impacts:
) (PlanScape Impacts:
The Land Stewardship Project (LSP) is a private, nonprofit organization founded in 1982 to foster an ethic of stewardship for farmland, to promote sustainable agriculture and to develop sustainable communities.
- McKnight Foundation (
) (DMC Impacts:
) (Community Health Impacts:
) (PlanScape Impacts:
Technology Enablement
The McKnight Foundation’s Impact Investing program is working to align our endowment with our grantmaking. With $200 million — 10% of the $2 billion endowment — the Foundation will make prudent investments that:
Accelerate the growth of a cleaner, low-carbon economy.
Contribute to a thriving, sustainable metro area.
Restore water quality and resilience of the Mississippi River.
We are also driving change through the main body of our endowment through fund manager assessment and a new low-carbon investment
- Minnesota Council of Nonprofits (MCN) (
501C-3 Non-Profit
) (DMC Impacts:
) (Community Health Impacts:
) (PlanScape Impacts:
Best Practice
Diversity and Inclusion
Governance/Public Policy
Nonprofit organizations promote the health and well-being of society. Organizations provide people in all communities around the state with services and assistance to help meet needs unmet by government and the for-profit sector. The focus areas of Minnesota’s nonprofits vary greatly, but nonprofits are unified in their mission to provide unique opportunities for individuals to combine their energy, talents and values for community improvement and enrichment.
The state’s nonprofits are more than simply entities that engage and inspire individuals and communities for public benefit; nonprofits are an important part of the economy. Minnesota’s vibrant nonprofit sector is a steady source of economic growth in every region of the state, as well as a key partner in delivering public sector services. Nonprofits also contribute to job growth. They employ one out of every nine workers in the state.
Nonprofit organizations are known for their contributions to their communities, focusing on volunteerism and making a difference. While these perceptions are accurate and essential to the sector’s work, there is more to Minnesota’s
- Minnesota Interfaith Power & Light (
501C-3 Non-Profit
) (DMC Impacts:
Learning Environment
) (Community Health Impacts:
) (PlanScape Impacts:
Best Practice
Caring Relationship
Minnesota Interfaith Power & Light works in partnership with faith communities to build transformative power and bring the lights of people’s unique gifts to addressing the climate crisis.
We work to grow the climate movement in Minnesota by empowering individuals and communities across the state to take action that is authentic, effective, and energizing in their context. Join us to build a powerful social movement for climate justice.
- National Eagle Center (
501C-3 Non-Profit
) (DMC Impacts:
Sports, Recreation, Nature
) (Community Health Impacts:
) (PlanScape Impacts:
Heritage Preservation
Recreation & Open Space
Have you ever wondered “How much does an eagle weigh?” “How big is their wingspan?” The answers await you in these engaging and entertaining live eagle programs. Through hands-on and interactive teaching our staff of naturalists will share the biology, ecology and natural history of bald and golden eagles. All of our presenters are knowledgeable, engaging and eager to share their passion for eagles with visitors of all ages.
- Office of the Mayor-City of Rochester (
Government Agency
) (DMC Impacts:
) (Community Health Impacts:
) (PlanScape Impacts:
Arts & Culture
Caring Relationship
Civic Engagement
Children & Youth
Governance/Public Policy
Residents can regularly check the calendar to find new activities, workshops, community gatherings, and more! Whether you’re hosting a youth-centered event or simply want to promote existing activities, the calendar will provide an easy way to ensure that more people in Rochester are aware of the valuable resources available to young people.
- Riverfront Small Area Consultant Team (
) (DMC Impacts:
Sports, Recreation, Nature
) (Community Health Impacts:
) (PlanScape Impacts:
Arts & Culture
Business Process
Civic Engagement
Economic Development
Governance/Public Policy
Public Safety
Recreation & Open Space
Universal Design
Consulting Team on Riverfront Small Area Planning Project
- Rochester Clean Energy Organization (
501C-3 Non-Profit
) (DMC Impacts:
Sports, Recreation, Nature
) (Community Health Impacts:
) (PlanScape Impacts:
Clean Air & water
Governance/Public Policy
- Rochester Energy Commission (
Government Agency
) (DMC Impacts:
) (Community Health Impacts:
) (PlanScape Impacts:
Clean Air & water
- Rochester Energy Commission (
Government Agency
) (DMC Impacts:
) (Community Health Impacts:
) (PlanScape Impacts:
Civic Engagement
The Rochester Energy Commission was created in 2009. The Rochester City Council has charged the Commission with a leadership role in the development of the City's sustainable energy future. By the direction of the Council, and assistance of City Staff, the Commission has the following objectives:
Creation of a baseline inventory of energy use and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
Recommendation of a target to lower energy use and GHG emissions
Development of a local Energy Action Plan as part of the City's Comprehensive Plan to implement actions that reduce energy use and GHG emissions to targeted levels
Implementation of the local Energy Action Plan
Measurement, verification, and reporting of performance
- Rochester Public Utilties (
) (DMC Impacts:
Livable City
Health & Wellness
) (Community Health Impacts:
) (PlanScape Impacts:
Clean Air & water
RPU owns and operates power generating , distribution, and water distribution facilities to serve the city of Rochester, MN. More than 48,000 electric customers and more than 36,000 water customers are currently served by RPU.
Power production stations include a natural gas-fired generation plant, a hydro station, and two combustion turbines, fired by natural gas or fuel oil.
The water distribution system consists of more than 30 wells and numerous storage tanks throughout Rochester (including water towers, standpipes, reservoirs, and one underground storage tank).
- SE MN Threshold Network (
) (DMC Impacts:
) (Community Health Impacts:
Mental Health
) (PlanScape Impacts:
Caring Relationship
We are a group in Rochester who support the MN Threshold Network with efforts in SE MN, with monthly meetings, local resources, & events in Rochester, MN.
- Sherman Associates (
) (DMC Impacts:
) (Community Health Impacts:
) (PlanScape Impacts:
Civic Engagement
Building communities. Enriching neighborhoods. Empowering people.
- Sierra Club, North Star Chapter (
501C-3 Non-Profit
) (DMC Impacts:
Sports, Recreation, Nature
) (Community Health Impacts:
) (PlanScape Impacts:
Clean Air & water
The Sierra Club’s members and supporters are 2.1 million of your friends and neighbors. Inspired by nature, we work together to protect our communities and the planet. The Club is America’s oldest, largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization. Read more about our history as an organization, and see our timeline of accomplishments.
The Sierra Club North Star Chapter is the leading grassroots voice to preserve and protect Minnesota’s environment.
Specifically, the Sierra Club North Star Chapter advances:
- Southeast Regional Sustainable Development Partnerships (SE RDSP) (
Education Institution
) (DMC Impacts:
) (Community Health Impacts:
) (PlanScape Impacts:
The University of Minnesota Extension Southeast Regional Sustainable Development Partnership (Southeast RSDP) has been serving the region since 1997. We work with residents of Southeast Minnesota to create and sustain healthy ecosystems, strong local economies and vibrant, self-reliant communities. We create meaningful collaborations between community and University partners.
The originating board of community members named this partnership the "Experiment in Rural Cooperation" to signify that the goal of our work and projects is to promote forward-thinking experiments in sustainable development.
- Unidos MN (
501C-3 Non-Profit
) (DMC Impacts:
Livable City
) (Community Health Impacts:
) (PlanScape Impacts:
Governance/Public Policy
Medical Services
Unidos MN is a grassroots organization that builds power with Minnesota's working families to advance social, racial and economic justice. As an organization born from the DREAMER movement, the topics of immigration, education, and climate justice are at the core of our work. We are an intersectional, intergenerational, women, Latine-led organization
- We Bike Rochester (
) (DMC Impacts:
Learning Environment
Sports, Recreation, Nature
) (Community Health Impacts:
) (PlanScape Impacts:
We Bike Rochester works to normalize bicycling in Rochester.
We empower our community to include
safe cycling in their lifestyle through
advocacy, education and ridership.
- Well Living Lab (A Delos and Mayo Clinic collaboration) (
) (DMC Impacts:
Health & Wellness
) (Community Health Impacts:
) (PlanScape Impacts:
At the Lab, we research the real-world impact of indoor environments on human health and well-being, and generate evidence-based information that can be used in practical ways to create healthier indoor spaces. Our one-of-a-kind research facility is completely reconfigurable and features advanced sensor technology and remote monitoring that allows people who participate in our studies to move about freely—as they normally would—unencumbered by wires, devices and monitors. But research is not limited to the Lab environment: our remote monitoring control center allows us to observe and track study participants outside the Lab, at home, work or play.
| Sustainability Projects
11 result(s) found...
- America's City for Health (Project Phase: Concept) ;
[Related Project:
Coalition for Rochester Area Housing
Community Health Assessment Process
DMC Discovery Square
Destination Medical Center (DMC)
Discovery Walk Co-designing
Envisioning a 21st Century City: Regional Issues, Global Perspectives
Families Matter Mental Health Collaboration
LINK - Bus Rapid Transit
Lifestyle Wellness Awareness Month
Planning To Succeed: Rochester 2040 Comprehensive Plan (P2S)
Rochester Vision 2050
Rochester Y Community Health Living Index Assessment (CHLI)
The Village Community Garden & Learning Center (VCGLC)
Update Intercultural Cities Initiative (ICI) Index
] ; [Leader: DMC EDA] [PlanScape Impacts:
Best Practice
Business Process
Civic Engagement
Diversity and Inclusion
Governance/Public Policy
Mental Health
Technology Enablement
Workforce Development
] ; [Special Groups:
] ; [DMC Impacts:
Livable City
Health & Wellness
Learning Environment
]; [Community Health Impacts :
Interlocking between DMC, Olmsted County and Rochester City and Community organizations to ensure social impacts are factored into DMC project evaluation process and City Comprehensive Plan (P2S).
- Building Benchmarking (Project Phase: Available) ;
[Related Project:
Sustainability and Resiliency Action Plan
] ; [Leader: City of Rochester, MN] [PlanScape Impacts:
] ; [Special Groups:
Best Practice
Business Process
] ; [DMC Impacts:
]; [Community Health Impacts :
The Rochester Energy Benchmarking Program provides a platform for Rochester business and building owners to track their energy use and identify ways to save money on utility bills.
- Destination Medical Center (DMC) (Project Phase: Available) ;
[Related Project:
Age-Friendly Olmsted County (AFOC) Plan
America's City for Health
Chateau Theater
Coalition for Rochester Area Housing
Community Health Assessment Process
DMC Accountability Metrics
Discovery Walk Co-designing
Heart of the City Peace Plaza Public Realm
Journey to Growth Plan
LINK - Bus Rapid Transit
Mayo Clinic Bold Forward Unbound
Planning To Succeed: Rochester 2040 Comprehensive Plan (P2S)
Saint Marys Place: Holiday Inn Project
Sustainability and Resiliency Action Plan
University of Minnesota, Rochester Master Plan
] ; [Leader: DMC EDA] [PlanScape Impacts:
Arts & Culture
Economic Development
Workforce Development
] ; [Special Groups:
Best Practice
Business Process
Livable City
Hotel & Hospitality
Retail, Dining & Entertainment
Arts & Culture
Commercial Research & Technology
Health & Wellness
Learning Environment
Sports, Recreation, Nature
Heart of the City
Discovery Square
UMR and Recreation
Central Station
] ; [DMC Impacts:
Livable City
Hotel & Hospitality
Retail, Dining & Entertainment, Arts & Culture
Commercial Research & Technology
Health & Wellness
Learning Environment
Sports, Recreation, Nature
]; [Community Health Impacts :
Intended to bring to Rochester, Olmsted County and Minnesota private investment in excess of $5.6 billion:
• Seeks to create at least 35,000 new jobs in Minnesota and bring tax revenue in excess of $7 billion to the State
• Intended to give prospective employees,patients and visitors substantial reason to consider Rochester their ‘destination’.
- In City for Good (In the Shadow of Growth) (Project Phase: Plan) ;
[Related Project:
40 Below: Building the workforce of the future
Apply "Community of Excellence" framework to Greater Rochester
Coalition for Rochester Area Housing
Community Health Assessment Process
Destination Medical Center (DMC)
Developing and Executing on Cradle to Career Plan
Journey to Growth Plan
Planning To Succeed: Rochester 2040 Comprehensive Plan (P2S)
Rochester A City of Compassion (RocCoC)
Update Intercultural Cities Initiative (ICI) Index
] ; [Leader: In the City for Good Steering Committee] [PlanScape Impacts:
Civic Engagement
Diversity and Inclusion
Special Needs
] ; [Special Groups:
] ; [DMC Impacts:
Livable City
]; [Community Health Impacts :
Mental Health
City for Good is coalition of eight Action Groups addressing deficiencies in the DMC plan: Living Wages, Transportation, Affordable Housing, Sustainability, Social Services, Education, Social Justice and Historic Preservation.
- Journey of Peace (Project Phase: Available) ;
[Related Project:
Locks of Compassion
Mayo Clinic Bold Forward Unbound
Racial Equity Resource Directory
Rochester A City of Compassion (RocCoC)
] ; [Leader: Assisi Heights Spirituality Center (AHSC)] [PlanScape Impacts:
Caring Relationship
Civic Engagement
] ; [Special Groups:
] ; [DMC Impacts:
]; [Community Health Impacts :
Guided by the root meaning of our planet's diverse wisdom traditions we embark on the hero's journey toward peace and compassion.
- Lifestyle Wellness Awareness Month (Project Phase: Archive) ;
[Related Project:
America's City for Health
Community Health Assessment Process
Discovery Walk Co-designing
Food for Thought for Diversity Wellness
Health Equity: Community Health Collaboration Portal
Sustainability and Resiliency Action Plan
The Village Community Garden & Learning Center (VCGLC)
] ; [Leader: Lotus Foundation & Balanced] [PlanScape Impacts:
Children & Youth
Chronic Illness
Medical Services
] ; [Special Groups:
] ; [DMC Impacts:
Health & Wellness
]; [Community Health Impacts :
Health Behaviors
Social Determinants
Identifying likely collaborators and affiliated programs/projects to invite to the event and to co-promote the program.
- Minnesota Compass (Project Phase: Archive) ;
[Related Project:
Maintain and Evolve the 2016 Rochester/Olmsted County Compass Points (Community Dashboard)
] ; [Leader: Wilder Research] [PlanScape Impacts:
Best Practice
Business Process
Diversity and Inclusion
Economic Development
Public Safety
Special Needs
Technology Enablement
] ; [Special Groups:
] ; [DMC Impacts:
]; [Community Health Impacts :
Minnesota Compass is a social indicators project that measures progress in our state and its communities. Led by Wilder Research, Minnesota Compass provides nonpartisan, credible information and tracks trends in topic areas such as education, economy, workforce, health, housing, and a host of others.
Data and analysis on gives everyone in our state – policymakers, business and community leaders, and concerned individuals who live and work here – a common foundation to identify, understand, and act on issues that affect our communities.
- Population Health Science Program (Project Phase: Available) ;
[Related Project:
America's City for Health
Complete Health Improvement Program (CHIP)
Mayo Clinic Health Disparities Research
] ; [Leader: Mayo Clinic] [PlanScape Impacts:
Basic Needs
Best Practice
Caring Relationship
Children & Youth
Chronic Illness
Governance/Public Policy
Medical Services
] ; [Special Groups:
] ; [DMC Impacts:
Health & Wellness
]; [Community Health Impacts :
Financial Stress/Homelessness
Mental Health
Vaccine Preventable Diseases
The Population Health Science Program in the Mayo Clinic Robert D. and Patricia E. Kern Center for the Science of Health Care Delivery seeks to improve primary care practice and advance population health science through health care delivery research.
The program's interdisciplinary scientific team is comprised of experts from primary care medicine, health services research, biostatistics, epidemiology, social and behavioral science, and public health. Led by clinical and research faculty members, the Population Health Science Program is grounded in epidemiological, health services and behavioral research. Program researchers are focused on:
Describing disease burden and relevant health outcomes among target populations
Identifying and characterizing the determinants of health outcomes in populations
Improving the effectiveness and efficiency of health care delivery in primary care
Evaluating the impact of primary care on patient behavior, access to care and use of services
Evaluating the impact of community-based interventions on population health
- Rochester A City of Compassion (RocCoC) (Project Phase: Plan) ;
[Related Project:
Allies & Advocates
Coalition for Rochester Area Housing
Community Dashboard
Community Health Assessment Process
Developing and Executing on Cradle to Career Plan
Diversity Council Civic Equity Focus Area
Health Equity: Community Health Collaboration Portal
Improve health insurance coverage for minority groups in Southeast Minnesota
In City for Good (In the Shadow of Growth)
Locks of Compassion
Maintain and Evolve the 2016 Rochester/Olmsted County Compass Points (Community Dashboard)
Prenatal to Age 3 Network
Update Intercultural Cities Initiative (ICI) Index
] ; [Leader: Rochester MN A City of Compassion] [PlanScape Impacts:
Best Practice
Caring Relationship
Civic Engagement
Diversity and Inclusion
] ; [Special Groups:
] ; [DMC Impacts:
Health & Wellness
]; [Community Health Impacts :
Mental Health
Help Rochester to be a more compassion city via the following 3 Focus areas:
(1) Honoring and supporting compassionate thought and action already existing in our community
(2) Growing a culture of compassion as a binding force in our community
(3) Creating opportunities for meaningful participation in compassionate actions
- Sustainability and Resiliency Action Plan (Project Phase: Develop) ;
[Related Project:
America's City for Health
Building Benchmarking
Coalition for Rochester Area Housing
Destination Medical Center (DMC)
Discovery Walk Co-designing
Equity in the Built Environment (Bloomberg)
Journey of Peace
] ; [Leader: City of Rochester, MN & DMC EDA] [PlanScape Impacts:
Clean Air & water
Diversity and Inclusion
Governance/Public Policy
] ; [Special Groups:
Best Practice
] ; [DMC Impacts:
Livable City
Health & Wellness
]; [Community Health Impacts :
The Sustainability and Resiliency Action Plan will focus on five key areas - Vibrant Neighborhoods, City for Health, Transportation, Resilient Economy, and Greenhouse Gas Emissions - highlighting economic, environmental, and social resiliency strategies that can help guide the city on future decision making. This will better prepare the community for foreseen and unforeseen impacts from disasters, but also strengthen the community through successes.
- Well Living Lab (Project Phase: Available) ;
[Related Project:
] ; [Leader: Delos & Mayo ] [PlanScape Impacts:
] ; [Special Groups:
] ; [DMC Impacts:
Health & Wellness
]; [Community Health Impacts :
We collect and analyze thousands of data points and uncover correlations that can be applied in practical ways to provide long-term benefits to people and society.