Good evening,
At the steering committees meeting today the following proposals were crafted for adoption:
Regarding future of CNG steering committee and large Group mtgs;
1. The steering committee continue to interact electronically to discuss developing community needs/concerns. Meet in person when conditions warrant.
2. We maintain CNG distribution list and use it to communicate priority community events or presentations. To mobilize recipient to action when necessary.
3. Special large group meetings may be convened as conditions warrant, but no regular routine will be maintained.
Regarding Compass Points;
1. Al will schedule a January calendar item on steering committee calendars to prompt us to discuss at that time how to proceed. (This follows Work Group recommendation to delay publishing report card until CHNA data is available in 2019).
Regarding Complete Counts;
1. Steering Committee is willing to serve to identify and select Chairperson for effort and further help establish subcommittees as needed.
2. A scope of work/job description is desired to start this process. Dee took the task to locate.
3. With a chair job description, we will then brainstorm potential candidates to approach and prioritize accordingly.
Regarding Census Citizenship question;
1. Steering committee agreed that the League of Women Voter email forwarded by Sheila on July 7, should be sent to distribution list with encouragement to oppose. Al took the task to send this out.
That’s the notes I have. Others in attendance, please feel free to add or clarify needed.
Thank you,
Jul 26, 2018, 9:18 PM (9 hours ago)